Scraps and ruined items will hurt the relationship. Players can also gift decorations such as Potted Plants, Retro Fans, and Elegant furniture to Heidi.

#My time at sandrock gift guide skin#
He also likes Explorer clothes, Leather Gloves, Animal Skin Carpets, and other high-quality items. Players can give Owen cooking items like a Spice Rack or Copper Pot. Owen: Like most romanceable characters, Owen dislikes scraps and dilapidated items.

Players should avoid giving Justice any kind of stone weapon, as well as dilapidated or ruined items. Justice: Justice enjoys receiving bronze or iron weapons and gear, as well as Explorer clothing.Fang does not like receiving any other kind of scrap. Fang: In My Time at Sandrock, to increase Fang's relationship gauge, players can give him Ruined Cloth, Glass, or Paper, as well as Food Scraps, Steamed Sweet Potatoes, Egg Custard, and other food items.Ernest: Ernest was added as a romanceable character for reaching a Kickstarter goal. His likes and dislikes are currently unknown, but players will be able to chat with Ernest and give him water to increase the relationship.Giving Arvio items he dislikes, such as scraps or ruined materials, will hurt the relationship. Arvio: Arvio seems to love lavish items like Golden Candlesticks, Diamonds, or Jeweled Eggs, but he also likes iron tools or weapons, leather belts, and other accessories.

However, giving a gift on Banjo's birthday will give a unique dialogue. Birthdays and festival days do not affect the relationship points gained.High quality gifts may provide one extra relationship point, depending on their sell price.The Special neutrals row of the table below only lists neutral items that give an increased reward compared to their base value. Every giftable item in the game has a base point value when gifted.Giving the same gift for two consecutive days may result in diminishing rewards (loved gifts become liked liked become neutral no change otherwise). Chatting with Banjo once a day will increase his relationship by 1 point subsequent chatting, on the same day, only results in the same conversation without any relationship gain. Like other pets, Banjo can be abandoned with a Goodbye Meatball.Ĭhat is a basic social interaction available at any relationship level. Banjo can be befriended and adopted as a pet.